Home made garam masala powder\\ Rosted spice powder in bangla

Hello, welcome to Saida Bengali Recipe.
 Today I’m going to show you a simple recipe for home made spices powder.This spice is mostly used in mutton or chicken. Adding this spice to the meat doubles the taste. Indian food is a little spicy. Let’s start with the Ingredients.

  • Cardamom
  • Cinnamon
  • Black pepper
  • Cloves
  • Cumin
I did not mention the amount, you can take the amount according to your needs.

👉 Turn on the flame and heat a pan on high flame once the pan is heated properly, reduce the flame to medium.
👉Add cinnamon and cardamom it's little hard so fry it first.
👉 Then add black pepper, cloves and cumin mix all the ingredients.
👉 Still fry until Flavor comes out and spices are little crunchy. then turn off the flame.
👉 the spices have to get a little cold. Take the mixi jar, Put the fried spices in a mixi jar.
👉 Close the jar properly and blend it become fine powder.
👉 Now the spices powder is reday. To Store the spice powder in a glass container.
